Let’s Work Together

What is seeking to be seen in you?


Hi dear one,
I’m Danny, and I’m grateful to meet you.

The first thing you should know is this:
I am a believer.

I believe in possibilities.
I believe in wholeness.
I believe in our human capacity to self-heal and transform.
I believe in our human ability to create a rich and authentic life.
I believe in the power of self-love and compassion.
I believe in Mother Earth’s strength and grace.
I believe in myself.
I believe in you.

My beliefs allow me to witness people as they are. I offer a mirror for others to see what might be needing attention.

You may be here because something is seeking to be seen in you. What is this something?


Maybe it’s something uncomfortable. Something dark, joyous, or both. Maybe a self-inquiry you’ve held for a while. A lack of motivation. Maybe something is shifting within you. Something keeping you uneasy, dissatisfied, or stuck. Maybe an inner affliction, a suppressed fear, or a newly expressed energy. Maybe a critical inner voice. Maybe exhaustion or burn out. Maybe a sense of inadequacy. Perhaps something missing, unknown, or painfully too familiar. Maybe something you’ve been running away from or something you want to confront fully.

Whatever this something is, it’s asking to be discovered. Whatever it is, I am here to explore it with you. Together, we’ll find the thread to this something and gently follow it to unravel the wisdom it holds.

My Offerings

Individual Integrative Coaching
12 Sessions | 60 min each

A six-month guided journey exploring your inner home and heart-mind-body alignment

90 min intake session
Customized individual development plan
Practice and exercises in-between sessions
Phone and email support in-between sessions
Detailed session notes, practice instructions, and resources to keep long-term

Intentional Deep Dives 
1 Session | 120 min

An ad-hoc session to uncover an emerging issue of your picking

Potential Topics:
Career, Family, Work, Love & Relationships, Communication, Emotional Development, Conflict Navigation, Inner Child, Inner Critic, Intergenerational Trauma


 Western culture has us believing that progress is only made carefully step-by-step. One foot in front of the other, with no room to mess up. But a perfect linear path doesn’t recognize our full humanity. The truth is, we human beings are beautifully complex, multi-layered, and imperfect.

So instead of traveling a straight line…



The pathway of change is less predictable than we think. Because of this, my coaching approach centers on your movement as a whole-person. It honors your constantly evolving nature. It blends together insight from your emotional history and background with who you are today. It leaves no part of you out.


What My Clients Say

  • She has an instinctual way of reframing our conversation, opening my eyes to my untapped potential in areas I had yet to explore.

    Danielle sparked a big change in the way I was thinking about bringing balance and self-reflection into work. She is a deep listener, grounded somatic practitioner, and an insightful coach who showed me ways to listen and dig deeper within myself to find my fundamental truths. She has an instinctual way of reframing our conversation, opening my eyes to my untapped potential in areas I had yet to explore. She was able to guide me in establishing clear outcomes and providing me with concrete practices, balancing structure with fluidity. My journey with her has stretched my inner reservoir and expanded my sense of self.

    - D. C., UX Program Manager

  • From our initial session, I felt an immediate sense of calm and an assurance that I was speaking not with a diagnostician but a friend and journey partner.

    Having struggled with making progress with 'conventional' therapy in the past, my time with Danny and her integrative coaching approach was such a positively different experience. From our initial session, I felt an immediate sense of calm and an assurance that I was speaking not with a diagnostician but a friend and journey partner. I was able to be at my most vulnerable with Danny and had a genuine sense that she was there to accept me while helping me understand how to accept myself. Six months of coaching later, in reflecting on the progress I've made, I can see and feel a demonstrable change in how I view myself and my relationships with others. Coming from a place of constant anxiety and challenges with understanding my personal and professional identity, I cannot thank Danny enough for her patience, kindness, sharing of practices, and the insights she helped guide me to discover about myself. And I cannot recommend her enough to others and can say without hesitation that I've come away with some of the most invaluable tools to truly appreciate and embrace all that life offers.

    -D. H., Management Consultant

  • She taught me to celebrate myself and accept the wholeness of who I am in each moment, a lesson I will carry with me throughout my life's journey.

    Danielle's deep and empathetic listening, compassion, and genuine care helped me reveal many things about myself that I had pushed aside for years. After each session, there were always concrete tools and practices to support my continued growth. She invited me to get in touch with the spiritual nature of this work, which offered me groundedness and helped me deepen my ability to value and tend to my difficult emotional states without judgement. She taught me to celebrate myself and accept the wholeness of who I am in each moment, a lesson I will carry with me throughout my life's journey. I am grateful for the time and space Danielle provided and plan to continue to integrate learned practices in my everyday life for years to come.

    - P.P., Healthcare Consultant

  • I feel like I am becoming the person I always wanted to be.

    Danielle's coaching has impacted every aspect of me. Working with Danielle helped me build consistency within, confront anxieties and fears, and rediscover skills I had laying dormant for so long. Her ability to meet me where I was with compassion and grace allowed my heart to pour out because it knew it was safe. Danielle has quite a skill for taking my rabbit trail responses and repeating them back to me with clarity and focus. I especially enjoyed her ability to help me visualize my current lifestyle with the lifestyle I was striving for using unexpected and creative tools and resources. I feel like I am becoming the person I always wanted to be. Danielle is fulfilling her life’s purpose and I truly believe anyone who comes in contact with her will begin to fulfill theirs as well!

    Hannah A., Foster Care Case Manager

  • Danielle has given me the courage and the tools to face life’s uncertainties and to even be excited by the unknown.

    This coaching has helped me to be more honest with myself and has given me the ability to see myself more clearly. It’s helped me to accept myself for the person I am today and to shed the weight of expectations that has made my life feel so small at times. I now feel excited at how my life will unfold and for the first time, it’s not conditioned on me changing who I am or my flaws. It’s been such a special experience to have a personalized program that is custom to not just my objectives but also to my own pace. Danielle has given me the courage and the tools to face life’s uncertainties and to even be excited by the unknown. Since working with Danielle, I feel so much more present in my own body and she’s helped me to feel the world around me instead of being trapped in my own thoughts.

    - Hanna T., Homeless Services Coordinator

  • Most importantly for me, it was the awareness of myself that I was finally beginning to pay attention to, and in time, learning how to honor and acknowledge.

    In working with Danielle, growth happened. Early on, it was subtle - just a pause in my reactions, or a deeper concentration on how I felt about something, or more attention to my physical sensations and emotions. At other times, it was hunkering down and staying with myself, or taking a stand for myself, which was a totally new concept for this non-confrontational middle-aged woman! However, most importantly for me, it was the awareness of myself that I was finally beginning to pay attention to, and in time, learning how to honor and acknowledge. This change has been monumental for me, as it has been such a foreign concept and something I still struggle with but continue to work on daily. I believe this personal awareness and growth were possible because of Danielle’s patient and gentle coaching style.

    - Karen C., Real Estate Professional

Human transformation is a circular process that deepens with presence, curiosity, light heartedness, and attention.

Together we will continuously:

  • Unearth and illuminate self-knowledge

  • Tend, engage, and explore the hard things

  • Experiment and practice new ways

  • Allow space and integrate learnings


The foundation is our relationship rooted in authenticity, trust, safety, and love.


My Credentials and Experience

  • Certified with New Ventures West, an International Coaching Federation accredited organization

  • Mindfulness Facilitator, Certification-In-Progress with the International Mindfulness Teachers Association

  • Diverse professional and leadership experiences in non-profit development, healthcare operations consulting, public policy, politics, and government affairs

  • Master’s Degrees in Public Health & Public Policy from University of California, Berkeley

So you’ve made the big leap to leave your job and take a long needed sabbatical.

Congrats! How can you experience a nourishing break away and make the next step of your life feeling restored and inspired? I invite you to consider taking a YEAR OF DANA, an intentional time period dedicated to the practice of generosity.